Friday, March 7, 2014

Download Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 Terbaru 2014

Download Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 Terbaru 2014
Download Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 Terbaru 2014
Total Commander adalah manajer file untuk Windows yang mirip dengan yang terkenal manajer file DOS.
Total Commander dapat menangani arsip seolah-olah mereka subdirektori. Ia juga memiliki packer ZIP-kompatibel internal yang. Fungsi pencarian memungkinkan Anda untuk mencari file di dalam arsip, bahkan untuk teks.

Apa yang terbaru di versi ini ?

- Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, rescan with F2: Ignore recursive links, and do not follow links at all when IgnoreLinks=8 (or sum containing 8) (32/64)
- Fixed: Find files, click on "Drives", close with "X" -> focus was lost (64)
- Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow on archive: Only show as archive in other panel if ENTER would also open it as an archive (e.g. for .zip, but not for .docx) (32/64)
- Fixed: F7 New Folder: Refresh other panel also if the path is essentially the same, but differs in upper/lowercase characters (32/64)
- Added: Multi-rename tool: The counter field [C] now supports fractional parts (only in the field itself, not in the counter section), e.g. [C+1/100]\[N] will move the first 100 files to subdir "1", the next 100 to "2" etc. (for the reverse, use ..\[N]) (32/64)
- Fixed: These dialogs also didn't support Unicode in wildcards/regular expressions: Colors, hints, overwrite custom fields, compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
- Fixed: Various dialogs didn't support regular expressions (with '<' prefix) although the dialog text suggested it: Colors by file type, help texts (hints) by file type, overwrite dialog custom fields, synchronize compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash when setting AllocationPreference (DWORD) to 0x100000 in the registry, problem with WM_MEASUREITEM, because wparam only contains lower 32-bit of GWL_ID (64)
- Fixed: String Nr. 677 <DIR>: Only append ">" when string starts with "<" (32/64)
- Fixed: Wincmd.ini: setting historylen to 0 didn't turn off the history, one line was still written (32/64)
- Fixed: "Copy to clipboard" not working any more in "Compare by content", binary mode (32/64)
- Fixed: Delete function: Show "Seeking..." instead of "Deleting" while counting the number of files to be deleted (32/64)
- Fixed: Pack files, move to archive, each selected in separate archive -> base dir not deleted when packing with option "leave out base directory" (32/64)
- Fixed: No thumbnails were shown in Shift+F6 overwrite confirmation dialog (32/64)

Download Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 Terbaru 2014

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