Thursday, November 13, 2014

WYSIWYG Web Builder 10.1.0 Portable

WYSIWYG Web Builder 10.1.0 Portable
Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions;
you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them 'anywhere' you want and when you're finished publish it to your web server (using the built in Publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web page

WYSIWYG Web Builder 10.1.0 Portable

WYSIWYG Web Builder 10.1.0 Portable

1 Response to "WYSIWYG Web Builder 10.1.0 Portable"

wah keren juga nih web builder nya, bisa dicoba mas ;)

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